International and Joint Voluntary Work Camps in Armenia
Tour the world: there's no summit as white as Ararat's

Dates: 31 July - 13 August
Work: World Heritage/ CULT
Location: Zvartnots Cathedral
Accommodation: Guest house on the territory of the Cathedral.
Work: The major objective of the work camp is to preserve this historical site for the future generations, to keep it in the worthy conditions to allow the visitors to be spiritually enriched and to contemplate the beauty.
Maintenance of the territory
Learning Armenian national dances, songs
Cultural program​

Dates: 1-14 July
Location: Republican Pediatric Rehabilitation Centre
Accommodation: Separate cottage on the territory of the Reahabiltation Centre
Work: Volunteers's day will begin with environmental work: maintaining the territory, cleaning children's playground from weed and grass, painting and some renovation work. Volunteers also help during specialists during morning therapy in the swimming pool.
After children finish their therapy, volunteers will join them to draw, sculpt, sing and dance, do physical training, play games.

Dates: 6-19 August
Location: Yerevan Special School N14
Accommodation: Dormitories of the school.
From 2014-2024 volunteers renovated classrooms, halls, banches.
During the camp children will be on holidays and the volunteers will be alone in the school building.
The aim of this work camp involves renovative tasks including painting work as well as maintenance and improvement of the territory.
Volunteers will stay in the dormitories of the school.

Dates: 15_28 August
Location: Republican Pediatric Rehabilitation Centre
Accommodation: Separate cottage​
Work: The aim of this work camp is organization of the leisure time of small number of children with disabilities that receive their treatment in this Centre and environmental work on the territory.
Volunteers will stay in a separate cottage on the territory of the Rehabilitation Centre.
At the end of the camp volunteers and children will organize a farewell concert.
The aim of the work camp is renovation of 2-3 classrooms under supervision of a specialist in the school and maintenance of the territory.
Volunteers organized joint games and activities with the schoolchilren.
In the end, they prepared and held a big concert together with schoolchildren.​

Dates: 08-21 August, 2023
Location: The Special Physmath School in Yerevan
Accommodation: Dormitories of the school.
Volunteers did environemtal and renovation work on the territory. They participated in most activities with children, performing variety of different tasks. They also organized workssops like painting, handcrafts, laguagse lessons, dancing and singing.
The main aim of the camp is orgnization of a concert and teh exhibition of works which they presented in the end.

Dates: 05 - 18 July, 2019
Location: SOS Children's Village, Abovyan
Accommodation: Volunteers will live in fomer kindegarten on the territory of the village.
The main aim of the camp was to perform a variety of environmental maintenance activties, such as taking care of area of the Garden, cleaning the paths, taking out the weeds, cultivating the trees, preparing teh trees for planting, etc.
The staff of the Botanical Garden made a presentation for volunteers on environment and nature.​

Dates: 03-16 August, 2019
Location: National Botanical Garden, Yerevan
Accommodation: Separate building on the territroy of the Boatnical Garden.
SOS-Kinderdorf Ijevan
Armenian - German HUJ-IJGD
The SOS Children's Village family-like structure is formed by four basic principles: mother, siblings, house and village.
Work: Volunteers participated in most activties with the children performing a varity of differnt tasks. They organized workshops of painting, sculpturing, handcrafts, dancing, singing, sports, leisure time games.

Dates: 12 - 25 June, 2019
Location: SOS Children's Village, Ijevan
Accommodation: Comfortable cottage on the territoy of the village.
Study Volunteering Visit
Armenian-Hong Kong HUJ-Voltra
Voluntary environmental program in territory of Geghard Monastry and Zvratnots Cathedral. Cleaning the shore of Sevan Lake.
Study part: Study walk through the city. Takking part in making tarditional Armenain bread "lavash" in "tonir" as well as dolma. Armenian lanugage lesson. Teaching various methods of preparing of marinade meat "basturma". Making barbeque at the beach.

Dates: 14-21 June, 2019
Location: Hotel in Yerevan
Accommodation: 3 star hotel, 2 people per room with all the facilities in the centre of Yerevan.
Zvartnots Cathedral
Armenian -Hong Kong HUJ- VolTra
The workcamp is organized within the frameworks of "World Heritage Volunteers Inititaive" launched by UNESCO World Heritage Centre and Coordinating Committee for International Voluntary Service (CCIVS). One of the main goals of the project is to raise awarness about the necessity to protect, preserve and promote cultural and natural heitage in general and the inscribed or potential Wolrd Heritage sites in particular.

Dates: 19-23April, 2019
Work: World Heritage/CULT
Location: Zvartnots Cathedral
Accommodation: Guest house on the territory of the Cathedral.
Contact Us
Koryun Street 19A/35, 0009, Yerevan, Armenia
+374 10 522 701, 522 772, 522 788